77 Years of Struggle
Martyrdom, determination, imprisonment
Article by: Dr. Naveed Nadir Magsi
After the partition of the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan was marked on the world map as an independent and self-governing country with the name “Tera Mera Rishta Kiya La Ilaha Ilallah”. Immediately after the independence of Pakistan, students who were anti-Islam started becoming active. In such a situation, 25 students who were Islamists and Islamic-minded, who came together from different educational institutions, gathered in Phool Building, Lahore. They were only twenty-five in number, but their passion was somewhat reflecting the poem that
میں اکیلا ہی چلا تھا جانب منزل مگر
لوگ آتے گئے کارواں بنتا گیا!
This was the caravan that kept Islamic values high for students on every front, be it the character of the students or the positive image of Islam, whether it was the Khatm-e-Nabuwwat movement or solving the educational problems of students on a permanent basis with equal and consistent efforts. This pure collectivity was at the forefront in enlightening the minds of students with Islam. It is Maududi's thought that the youth of these young men should be engaged in fulfilling the important duties of the religion of God, who are still carrying out the duties of guiding students, shaping individuals and building ideas in various educational institutions. These are the young students who know how to sail the ship of the country and the nation. These young men laid the foundation of an excellent and pure community to attract students towards Islam and, along with worldly education; they also impart understanding and expertise in religious sciences. They have such a community that is completely free from sect, sect and regional prejudice. The reason for all this is that the revolutionary thought of Syed Maududi (may Allah have mercy on him) is their soul. Living under its shadow, these young men have brought out an army of capable and capable young men from within the defective educational system left by the British in the Kingdom of God. Who are steadfastly fighting every false and anti-Islamic ideology on every front in the present era? Whether it is a religious class or a liberal secular atheist, due to its ideology and training of the Jamiat, it trained them on the best and most excellent foundations. Where the education system is busy promoting the culture of the West, the Islami Jamiat Talaba organized the students and encouraged them to be religious through peaceful and constructive struggle. Whether it was the era of the student union or the hardships of imprisonment and imprisonment during martial law, it always played a positive and excellent role, which could not be left without support and praise. This is the Jamiat that also guided the students in the field of education, repelled anti-Islamic ideas from the Islamic revivalist revolutionary ideology and always played an important role in providing ideological security to the country of Pakistan. The journey of the Jamiat has been going on step by step in Pakistan for seventy-seven years. In this journey, there were scenes of learning and learning. But despite the call of the beloved, even if he returns from here, there was no slippage or shaking in the independence of any worker. It is a miracle of understanding the religion of the manifest and the conscious and practical connection with it that the youth are united, full of emotions but unparalleled in intellect and consciousness, in seriousness and sobriety, in understanding and insight. Such that upon seeing it, the heart bears witness that Iqbal had said about such youth,
"جوانوں کو پیروں کا استاد کر!"
There is no such example in the history of the world that there is such a large nationwide organization of youth but free from selfishness, tension and factionalism, this is possible only because of the maturity of strong ideology and character. That in this seventy-seven-year journey, there were stages of restrictions, there were prisons, whips were showered, there were martyrdoms, but the journey continued to move forward. The goal and objective that twenty-five individuals had set, today the echo of the same goal and objective is resounding from Gawadar to Gilgit, from Kashmir to Khyber, from street to street, village to village, whose number was 25 and is now in the millions. This is the only student organization that has a full and prominent presence in all educational institutions across the country. Today, while ideology, values, sophistication and seriousness have departed from the politics of our beloved country, and their place has been taken by self-interest, lies, opportunism and frivolity, the existence of the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba is no less than an unexpected blessing that the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba provides every year a batch of young men equipped with competence and ability in every field of life. Such young men
"جن کے کردار سے آتی ہو صداقت کی مہک"
and who are truly the apple of the eye of the Qibla, whose youth is unblemished and fruitful. This journey of the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba continues today even after all the trials, restrictions, imprisonments and martyrdoms and will continue, God willing. Let's go, that destination has not yet come, the hour of salvation and the hour of heart has not yet come. The journey of this collectivity built on the basis of the conscious commitment to the religion of truth and character will continue until the hour of salvation and the hour of heart in the true sense comes, the dawn is not tarnished, and our every dawn is free from the curse of night and day. That destination is the establishment of an Islamic welfare state. When this lawn will be filled with the “Song of Monotheism” and when no human being will be a slave to any human being. In the cool, sweet shade of the religion of truth, humanity will be able to live a life of honor with peace, justice, fairness and equality. This dream is yet to be fulfilled, this journey will continue towards this sacred destination, God willing. In order to call every youth towards this destination and goal, to instill it in the mind and heart of every youth, and to organize the youth to reach this destination, Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba has been moving forward with different slogans for seventy-seven years. This year, the association is running a campaign titled “Utho, Jahan Badal Do!”. Which, God willing, will prove to be a precursor for the awakening of the youth?